Monday 18 June 2012

Final Piece of Poetry

Creation- Final Copy

By: Erin Gardner

I pause
on the edge of the cistern,
the stones have been covered with fine plaster
The white plaster
clings to my flesh.
Heat shimmers
over the water,
The spirit of God
hovers– over the water,
as it did on the first day
of creation.
I stand
before the glory of what he has created.
I remove my cloak, my sandals, my tunic.
Other women purify themselves,
in the mikvah, but I need deeper waters.
I dive in.

Creation-Rough Draft
By: Erin Gardner
I pause
on the edge of the cistern where,
the stones have been covered with fine plaster
The white plaster
clings to my flesh.
I watch the shimmer of the heat
over the water,
It is said that the spirit of God
hovers– over the water,
as it did on the first day
of creation. I stand
before the glory of what he has created.
I remove my cloak, my sandals, my tunic.
Other women purify themselves,
in the mikvah, but I need deeper
waters. I dive in.


                I picked this piece because I loved this poem that I wrote. I had no idea that there was such a thing as found poetry. I like found poetry because it can be anything you want. I find it really captivating. The book I took it from is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It had so much description and really awesome words. I tried to use metre to change up the sound of the poem. When I revised the poem I took out words that seemed kind of boring and repetitive. I feel like I have defiantly grown in writing poetry because before I started this course I had little or no experience and through the course I have learned a lot of different techniques and how poetry should be. Before I thought that poetry was complicated and hard, but now I realize that there is no wrong answer to poetry and you just write what you feel and how you feel. If I were to totally re-do found poetry I think I would take something like a news article or something totally unexpected and make it into found poetry.

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